
How to manage blocs thrown exceptions with StreamBuilder?

I'm trying to return a snapshot error state to my StreamBuilder when my provider has problems during the http.get() call. In my case I throw an exception when the the http.get() return a state different from 200 (OK). I would like to be able to return a bad state to snapshot and execute the specific code for this situation. Now when I throw the exception the application simply crash.


class FmsApiProvider {
  Future<List<FmsListResponse>> fetchFmsList() async {
    print("Starting fetch FMS..");
    final Response response = await httpGet('fms');
    if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
      // If the call to the server was successful, parse the JSON
      return fmsListResponseFromJson(response.body);
    } else {
      // If that call was not successful, throw an error.
      //return Future.error(List<FmsListResponse>());
      throw Exception('Failed to load FMSs');


class Repository {
  final fmsApiProvider = FmsApiProvider();

  Future<List<FmsListResponse>> fetchAllFms() => fmsApiProvider.fetchFmsList();


class FmsBloc {
  final _fmsRepository = Repository();

  final _fmsFetcher = PublishSubject<List<FmsListResponse>>();

  Observable<List<FmsListResponse>> get allFms => _fmsFetcher.stream;

  fetchAllFms() async {
    List<FmsListResponse> itemModel = await _fmsRepository.fetchAllFms();

  dispose() {

My StreamBuilder:

            stream: bloc.allFms,
            builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<List<FmsListResponse>> snapshot) {
              if (snapshot.hasData) {
                return RefreshIndicator(
                    onRefresh: () async {
                    color: globals.fcsBlue,
                    child: ScrollConfiguration(
                      behavior: NoOverScrollBehavior(),
                      child: ListView.builder(
                          shrinkWrap: true,
                              snapshot.data != null ? snapshot.data.length : 0,
                          itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
                            final fms = snapshot.data[index];
                            //Fill a global list that contains the FMS for this instances
                                FMSBasicInfo(id: fms.id, code: fms.fmsCode));
                            return MyCard(
                              title: _titleContainer(fms.fmsData),
                              fmsId: fms.id,
                              wmId: fms.fmsData.workMachinesList.first
                                  .id, //pass the firs element only for compose the image url
                              imageType: globals.ImageTypeEnum.iteCellLayout,
                              scaleFactor: 4,
                              onPressed: () => _onPressed(fms),
              } else if (snapshot.hasError) {
                return Text('Fms snapshot error!');
              return FCSLoader();

When the exception is thrown I would like to obtain a snapshot error and then visualize only a text in my page.


  • You should wrap the api call in a try catch and then add the error to your sink.

    class FmsBloc {
      final _fmsRepository = Repository();
      final _fmsFetcher = PublishSubject<List<FmsListResponse>>();
      Observable<List<FmsListResponse>> get allFms => _fmsFetcher.stream;
      fetchAllFms() async {
        try {
          List<FmsListResponse> itemModel = await _fmsRepository.fetchAllFms();
        } catch (e) {
      dispose() {