I have a windows service that I need to pack into a nuget package with OctoPack, but I have to exclude a directory called "Config" and a few other config files (these are instance specific and this will be deployed to multiple instances.) However the files are always included no matter what I put in the nuspec file.
Project directory:
Config <dir>
Code <dir>
Nuspec file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
<!-- Required elements-->
<description>service for app</description>
<authors>our team</authors>
<!-- Optional 'files' node -->
<file src="**" exclude="Config\" />
<file src="**" exclude="**\app.config" />
<file src="**" exclude="**\settings.config" />
Jenkins file:
bat "dotnet-octo pack --id=service --format=NuPkg --basePath=bin\\x64\\BuildServer --version=0.0.0.${env.BUILD_ID} --overwrite"
I'm sure there is an error in my nuspec file or something but I can't find any documentation for my specific case. Thanks.
Turns out I was way overthinking this. I just edited the Jenkins file to delete them before packing. Completely forgot that bat
was an option.
bat "del bin\\x64\\BuildServer\\app.config"
bat "del bin\\x64\\BuildServer\\settings.config"
bat "rmdir /s /q bin\\x64\\BuildServer\\Config"
bat "dotnet-octo pack --id=service --format=NuPkg --basePath=bin\\x64\\BuildServer --version=0.0.0.${env.BUILD_ID} --overwrite"
However, the correct way to do it via nuspec would have been
<file src="bin\x64\BuildServer\**\*.*" exclude="bin\x64\BuildServer\app.config;bin\x64\BuildServer\settings.config;bin\x64\BuildServer\Config\*.xml" />
means "include all directories and files in bin\x64\BuildServer
, where all the dlls and such are after building. And exclude
means except these files. Note all paths are relative to where your nuspec file is (this is important!!!).