It seems there is no way to watch changes in the parent component when using two-way data binding.
I have a custom input component for collecting a tag list. Two-way data binding is setup and working between this component and its parent.
// the parent component is just a form
// here is how I'm adding the child component
<input-tags formControlName="skillField" [(tags)]='skillTags' (ngModelChange)="skillTagUpdate($event)">
In the parent component how do you watch the bound variable for changes? While it's always up to date (I've confirmed this) I cannot find any guidance on reacting to changes.
I've tried:
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if (changes['skillTags']) {
console.log(this.skillTags); // nothing
console.log(event); // nothing
UPDATE: TWDB IMHO is not what it is advertised to be. Whenever I arrive at this place where TWDB seems to be a solution I rearchitect for a service and or observable communication instead.
When you implement a two way binding of your own, you have to implement an event Emitter. The syntax for that is mandatory.
this means that you have a hook to listen to if the value changes.
Here is a demo :
<hello [(name)]="name" (nameChange)="doSomething()"></hello>
_name: string;
@Output() nameChange = new EventEmitter();
set name(val) {
this._name = val;
get name() {
return this._name;
counter = 0;
ngOnInit() {
setInterval(() => { = + ', ' + this.counter++;
}, 1000);
From what I know, this seems the less annoying way to use it, and any two way binding will follow the same rule no matter what, i.e. it ends with the Change
word !