Is there a way to check if a particular string exists in a column in a table?
For example, I have a table 'fruits' with two columns, primary key and fruit_name and following rows
1 apple
2 orange
3 pineapple
I have a sample string named apple_shake. I need to check if a substring of this apple_shake exists. The query should return row containing 'apple'
I know how this can be done in mysql query - SQL - Query to find if a string contains part of the value in Column
But through sequelize, following has problem
var sample_fruit_string = "apple_shake";
var gsp_config = await model.fruit.findOne({where: {
fruit_name: {
[]: sample_fruit_string + '%'
Credit to @alx for the SQL I didn't know was possible - this is how you generate the appropriate SQL with Sequelize. Note that this may not be efficient with large datasets.
const sample_fruit_string = "apple_shake";
const gsp_config = await model.fruit.findOne({
attributes: ['id'],
where: Sequelize.where(
Sequelize.fn('LOCATE', Sequelize.col('fruit_name'), sample_fruit_string),,
logging: true,
Generates the following:
SELECT `id` FROM `fruit` AS `fruit` WHERE LOCATE(`fruit_name`, 'apple_shake') != 0 LIMIT 1;