
Nativescript RadAutoComplete doesn't show lists by a middle word

I'm using RadAutoComplete in order to search in a list. for example, this is my list:

If a user types Rolex the list will show correctly but he types Date, it won't show anything. I want if the user typed Date that is the middle word, the list would show.

I have read the document already but haven't found anything about that. please anyone can help me?

Update: This is the playground sample.



  • You have to set the completionMode to Contains if you like a full text search instead of start with.

    <RadAutoCompleteTextView automationText="RadAutoCompleteTextView"
                        row="0" col="1" class="RadAutoCompleteTextView" hint="Search"
                        [items]="dataItems" suggestMode="SuggestAppend"
                        displayMode="Plain" showCloseButton="true" completionMode="Contains">

    Updated Playground