
Grep for string and read content until next match string

I am trying to read a file and search for a string using grep. Once I find the string, I want to read everything after the string until I match another string. So in my example, I am searching for ...SUMMARY... and I want to read everything until the occurrence of ... Here is an example:

   Severe thunderstorms are most likely across north-central/northeast
   Texas and the Ark-La-Tex region during the late afternoon and
   evening. Destructive hail and wind, along with a few tornadoes are
   possible. Severe thunderstorms are also expected across the
   Mid-South and Ohio Valley.

   **...**North-central/northeast TX and southeast OK/ArkLaTex...
   In the wake of a decaying MCS across the Lower Mississippi River
   Valley, a northwestward-extending outflow boundary will continue to
   modify/drift northward with rapid/strong destabilization this
   afternoon particularly along and south of it. A quick
   reestablishment of lower/some middle 70s F surface dewpoints will
   occur into prior-MCS-impacted areas, with MLCAPE in excess of 4000
   J/kg expected for parts of north-central/northeast Texas into far
   southeast Oklahoma and the nearby ArkLaTex. Special 19Z observed
   soundings are expected from Fort Worth/Shreveport to help better
   gauge/confirm this destabilization trend and the degree of capping.

I have tried using the following code but only displays the ...SUMMARY... and the next line.

sed -n '/...SUMMARY.../,/.../p' 

What can I do to solve this?

======================================================================= Followup:

This is the result I am trying to get. Only show the paragraph under ...SUMMARY... and end at the next ... so this is what I should get in the end:

Severe thunderstorms are most likely across north-central/northeast Texas and the Ark-La-Tex region during the late afternoon and evening. Destructive hail and wind, along with a few tornadoes are possible. Severe thunderstorms are also expected across the Mid-South and Ohio Valley.

I have tried the following based on a recommendation Shellter:

sed -n '/...SUMMARY.../,/**...**/p'

But I get everything.


  • You may use

    sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*\.\.\.SUMMARY\.\.\./,/^[[:blank:]]*\.\.\./{//!p;}' file

    See this online sed demo.
