I want to make each slice of a pie chart a color of my choosing. I need to know the snytax of QPieSlice (if that is what I use) and how to attach a color to a particular slice of the pie. For example, I want the "Auto" slice to be '#00FF00', the "Employment" slice to be '#1A8CFF", etc.
Below are the pieces of my pie. I have tried various things like:
but it does not work, and even if it did, I do not know how to attach it to a particular slice and where to put it.
series.append("Auto", self.expensesWindow.piechart[0])
series.append("Employment", self.expensesWindow.piechart[1])
series.append("Insurance", self.expensesWindow.piechart[2])
series.append("Household", self.expensesWindow.piechart[3])
series.append("Housing", self.expensesWindow.piechart[4])
series.append("Entertainment", self.expensesWindow.piechart[5])
series.append("Utilities", self.expensesWindow.piechart[6])
series.append("Other", self.expensesWindow.piechart[7])
When you use the append()
method of QPieSeries
, passing it the name and value it returns its associated QPieSlice
so you must use that element
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, QtChart
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
data = {
"Auto": (10, QtGui.QColor("#00FF00")),
"Employment": (20, QtGui.QColor("#1A8CFF")),
"Insurance": (30, QtGui.QColor("salmon")),
"Household": (40, QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 255)),
"Housing": (40, QtGui.QColor("blue")),
"Entertainment": (30, QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255)),
"Utilities": (20, QtGui.QColor("#aabbcc")),
"Other": (10, QtGui.QColor("gray")),
series = QtChart.QPieSeries()
for name, (value, color) in data.items():
_slice = series.append(name, value)
chart = QtChart.QChart()
chart.setTitle("Example for https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56727499")
chart.legend().setFont(QtGui.QFont("Arial", 7))
chartview = QtChart.QChartView(chart)
w = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
w.resize(640, 480)
But you can also build a QPieSlice
using the name and value you can pass it using the other append() method:
# ...
series = QtChart.QPieSeries()
for name, (value, color) in data.items():
_slice = QtChart.QPieSlice(name, value)
chart = QtChart.QChart()
# ...
And you can also build by creating a list of QPieSlice
using the third append()
# ...
series = QtChart.QPieSeries()
slices = []
for name, (value, color) in data.items():
_slice = QtChart.QPieSlice(name, value)
chart = QtChart.QChart()
# ...
In your case, use the second method:
_slice = series.append("Auto", self.expensesWindow.piechart[0])
_slice = series.append("Employment", self.expensesWindow.piechart[1])
# ...