i want to count my facts and that facts will have to be boolean. for my intention i only need count TRUE. My problem is if i assert or use deffact to make 4 facts in one slot for example. the working memory doesn´t read all the facts. i tried putting another slot with another data(names in this case)and work good, but i don´t need another slot. i just do it for try to run this code. is there another option? let me show you:
(deftemplate testing (slot bole)(slot otro))
(watch all)
(defquery search-by-true
"Finds true"
(declare (variables ?ln))
(testing (bole ?ln)(otro ?ot)))
(deffacts data
(testing (bole TRUE)(otro josue))
(testing (bole TRUE)(otro pedro))
(testing (bole FALSE)(otro pablo))
(testing (bole TRUE)(otro carlos))
(bind ?result (run-query* search-by-true TRUE))
(bind ?x 0)
(while (?result next)
(bind ?x (+ ?x 1))
(printout t (* ?x 0.3) crlf)
My intentions are learn this by then use objects with java code and jess. how i am going to use JCheckbox and this objects are boolean so that´s why i need to understand this please. if you have a good recommendation for me i accept it with humility. Thanks.
If I understand you correctly, you’d like to have working memory contain something like
(testing (bole TRUE))
(testing (bole TRUE))
(testing (bole FALSE))
... and then run some code that told you there are 2 “bole TRUE” facts. This isn’t possible in Jess: working memory cannot contain duplicate facts. If you try to assert a fact that is identical to an existing one, assert returns FALSE and no changes are made to working memory. You could use your extra slot to contain a serial number or some other piece of unique information.