I receive emails from a couple of Azure DevOps environments, my company system and a suppliers system. I had rules for the email notifications to move them based on the From address, which was different. Now all the emails come from azuredevops@microsoft.com.
Does anyone know if there is any way to easily distinguish where the email has come from ?
Is it possible to change the From address used by DevOps? I don't believe it is possible to customise the body, and basing the filter on the body is too much maintenance
Thanks in advance
I have found a work around in order to filter my emails, in case anyone else has the same issue.
The emails contain links to take you to the work item or other DevOps page that the email is related to. I've been able to create a filter based on the Url that the link is pointing to, so I'm looking for the specific DevOps URL in the Body of the message, as filing the email based on that. It seems to work for my requirements at least.