I`m using Jodit WYSIWYG editor v.3 in my project.
It is OK when option "buttons" changes - the list of buttons changes too. But it works only with max-screen size - when client screen size changes - the list of buttons changes too...
How to fix my "buttons
" option for any screen width in Jodit WYSIWYG editor v.3?
Here in is my Jodit Options code:
var editor = new Jodit("#text-editor", {
"toolbarSticky": false,
"toolbarStickyOffset": 10,
"showCharsCounter": false,
"showWordsCounter": false,
"showXPathInStatusbar": false,
"buttons": "source,|,bold,strikethrough,underline,italic,|,ul,ol,outdent,indent,font,fontsize,brush,paragraph,|,image,video,table,link,|,align,undo,redo,hr,|,symbol,",
Please check the documentation to add the button according to screen size
Version - 2.5.49 Note. this is not the width of the device, the width of the editor
1]buttons The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on large places (≥ options.sizeLG). 2]buttonsMD The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on medium places (≥ options.sizeMD). 3]buttonsSM The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on small places (≥ options.sizeSM). 4]buttonsXS The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on extra small places (< options.sizeSM).