
Jodit WYSIWYG Buttons list changes when screen width changes

I`m using Jodit WYSIWYG editor v.3 in my project.

It is OK when option "buttons" changes - the list of buttons changes too. But it works only with max-screen size - when client screen size changes - the list of buttons changes too...

How to fix my "buttons" option for any screen width in Jodit WYSIWYG editor v.3?

ok buttons

bad buttons

Here in is my Jodit Options code:

var editor = new Jodit("#text-editor", {
      "toolbarSticky": false,
      "toolbarStickyOffset": 10,
      "showCharsCounter": false,
      "showWordsCounter": false,
      "showXPathInStatusbar": false,
      "buttons": "source,|,bold,strikethrough,underline,italic,|,ul,ol,outdent,indent,font,fontsize,brush,paragraph,|,image,video,table,link,|,align,undo,redo,hr,|,symbol,",


  • Please check the documentation to add the button according to screen size

    go to jodit

    Version - 2.5.49 Note. this is not the width of the device, the width of the editor

    1]buttons The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on large places (≥ options.sizeLG). 2]buttonsMD The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on medium places (≥ options.sizeMD). 3]buttonsSM The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on small places (≥ options.sizeSM). 4]buttonsXS The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on extra small places (< options.sizeSM).