
AngularJS Component: How to avoid watchers for unused bindings

I have a component repeating quite a few times and would like to avoid excessive watching.

    .component('component', {
      template: '',
      bindings: {
        code: '@',
        problemBinding: '<',
      controller: componentController,

Each < binding seems to create a watcher despite the fact that most of the components are not using problem-binding argument in the html. This is demonstrated in this plunkr where each new < binding creates as many watchers as the component is being repeated.

Is there a way to use problemBinding so that it creates a watcher for the component if and only if the argument is being used?


  •   angular
        .component('component', {
          template: '',
          bindings: {
            code: '@',
            problemBinding: '<?',
          controller: componentController,

    All 4 kinds of bindings (@, =, <, and &) can be made optional by adding ? to the expression. The marker must come after the mode and before the attribute name.

    For more information, see