
Scrolling to a given row of datatable with javascript callback

I am running into an issue with datatables and shiny, specifically within a flexdashboard but I think that is irrelevant.

I want to scroll to a given row in the datatable when I click on the corresponding point in a plot. But, the minimal problem I have is to 'simply' scroll to any row. I can select a row using JavaScript with the option initComplete but scrollTo() will not do anything for me.

Looking at a previous question, Scroll to specific row in Datatable API, I got to this example, It showcases the javascript function you could use with initComplete , but this was not made with R/Shiny. Specifically you'll find the following option for a small datatable:

initComplete: function () {

Since my goal is to use this in a flexdashboard I have a minimal example in R markdown format. A pretty standard call to DT::renderDataTable with random data. I don't understand why this.api().table().row(15).scrollTo(); will not do anything. I added an alert to confirm that the JavaScript of initComplete actually ran.

title: "Scroll to row in datatable"
date: "20 december 2017"
output: html_document
runtime: shiny

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## Datatable automatically scroll to given row
The goal is to have a datatable rendered in a flexdashboard. Upon selecting a point in a scatter plot, the corresponding row in the table gets selected and needs to be scrolled into view. Selecting a row by clicking a point in a plot (with ggplot) works, but scrolling will not.

Preferably without using shinyApp(), since scrolling is a JavaScript functionality rather than a shiny one (?).


# Generate random data
df <- data.frame(matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 5))

# Render datatable with shiny
  extensions = 'Scroller',
  # selection = 'single',                 # Eventually only allow single selection
  escape = FALSE,
  # callback = JS('this.api().row(15).scrollTo();'),       # Attempt to use callback instead
  options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
                 scrollY = 200,
                 paging = FALSE,
                 initComplete  = JS('function() {
  server = TRUE) # Setting server = TRUE results in the selection with initComplete breaking


What I have noticed is that if you scroll the table in the previously linked example the text at the bottom will actually update and say "Showing 1 to 6 of 20 entries" or "Showing 6 to 11 of 20 entries", etc. This does not happen in my example datatable, that always says Showing 1 to 200 of 200 entries. That leads me to think that it does not scroll to the specified row because everything is already 'in view', even though it is not really.


  • I don't know why DataTables's .scrollTo() method doesn't work, but I just tested the native .scrollIntoView() method on HTML nodes, and it worked well for me. I changed your




    Full example:

    title: "Scroll to row in datatable"
    date: "20 december 2017"
    output: html_document
    runtime: shiny
    ```{r setup, include=FALSE}
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
    ## Datatable automatically scroll to given row
    The goal is to have a datatable rendered in a flexdashboard. Upon selecting a point in a scatter plot, the corresponding row in the table gets selected and needs to be scrolled into view. Selecting a row by clicking a point in a plot (with ggplot) works, but scrolling will not.
    Preferably without using shinyApp(), since scrolling is a JavaScript functionality rather than a shiny one (?).
    # Generate random data
    df <- data.frame(matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 5))
    # Render datatable with shiny
      extensions = 'Scroller',
      # selection = 'single',                 # Eventually only allow single selection
      escape = FALSE,
      # callback = JS('this.api().row(15).scrollTo();'),       # Attempt to use callback instead
      options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
                     scrollY = 200,
                     paging = FALSE,
                     initComplete  = JS('function() {
      server = TRUE) # Setting server = TRUE results in the selection with initComplete breaking