I am creating a class in for communicating with azure storage blobs and it is working fine but if I try to put this class in package it is giving me an error "error: not found: value dbutils". It is working fine if I remove the "package Libraries.Custom" above my class.
I am creating a class in azure databricks notebook using Scala. Could anybody help me out. The code is stated below:
Class Code
package Libraries.Custom
import org.apache.spark.sql._
class BlobContext {
// Basic Azure Storage Configurations
val blob_account_name = "REPLACE_BY_ACTUAL_VALUE"
val blob_account_access_key = "REPLACE_BY_ACTUAL_VALUE"
val blob_container_name = "REPLACE_BY_ACTUAL_VALUE"
val blob_server = s"REPLACE_BY_ACTUAL_VALUE"
val blob_wasbs = s"REPLACE_BY_ACTUAL_VALUE"
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Path SOM")
.config("spark.ui.enabled", "false")
def SetConfigurations {
spark.conf.set(blob_server, blob_account_access_key)
def ReadData(fileName: String, fileType: String): DataFrame = {
val dataFrame = spark.read.format(fileType).option("header", "true").load(s"${blob_wasbs}${fileName}.${fileType}")
return dataFrame
def WriteData(fileDataFrame: DataFrame, fileName: String, fileType: String) {
val absTempFilePath = s"${blob_wasbs}SPARK_NEW_${fileName}.temp"
val absFilePath = s"${blob_wasbs}SPARK_NEW_${fileName}.${fileType}"
fileDataFrame.repartition(1).write.format(fileType).mode("overwrite").option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").option("delimiter", ",").csv(absTempFilePath)
val partition_path = dbutils.fs.ls(absTempFilePath + "/").filter(file=>file.name.endsWith(".csv"))(0).path
dbutils.fs.cp(partition_path, absFilePath)
<notebook>:37: error: not found: value dbutils
val partition_path = dbutils.fs.ls(absTempFilePath + "/").filter(file=>file.name.endsWith(".csv"))(0).path
<notebook>:38: error: not found: value dbutils
dbutils.fs.cp(partition_path, absFilePath)
<notebook>:39: error: not found: value dbutils
<notebook>:39: error: not found: value recurse
Compilation failed.
Try adding this import:
import com.databricks.dbutils_v1.DBUtilsHolder.dbutils