
How to set base url for all controllers in micronaut ? through application.yml or any configuration

How to set base url for all controllers

class HelloController{

   fun greet(){


Instead of writing /api on each controller is there a way to write it as base url in configuration for all rest controller endpoints


  • You can configure once RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy (default implementation HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy)

    1. add some custom property micronaut.context-path, application.yml:
      context-path: /someApiPath
    1. create ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy and extend HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy :
    class ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy : HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy() {
        var contextPath: String? = null
        override fun resolveUri(type: Class<*>?): String {
            return contextPath ?: "" + super.resolveUri(type)
        override fun resolveUri(beanDefinition: BeanDefinition<*>?): String {
            return contextPath ?: "" + super.resolveUri(beanDefinition)
        override fun resolveUri(property: String?): String {
            return contextPath ?: "" + super.resolveUri(property)
        override fun resolveUri(type: Class<*>?, id: PropertyConvention?): String {
            return contextPath ?: "" + super.resolveUri(type, id)

    This configurations will be applied for all controllers, for your HelloController URI path will be /someApiPath/greet, if the property micronaut.context-path is missing then /greet:

    class HelloController {
       fun greet(){