
If it's possible, what conditions need to be met to perform a CSV import for a single-location Bin Transfer in NetSuite?

I need to be able to create new Bin Transfer records (document number prefixes with BT) using a newly created Saved CSV Import instance. After uploading my first few attempts of the CSV file into NetSuite, I keep receiving an error column within my result.csv saying "You cannot create an inventory detail for this item."

What condition needs to be met for me to avoid this issue?

Here is my CSV file contents:

itemid,from bin,tobin,Quantity,Externalid TESTSKU,A1,A2,20,j20190624

I have consulted NetSuite Answers by lodging them a new case and was asked if the items were lot numbers or serialized numbers

I then referred to 'NetSuite Help Center' about "Lot Numbered Items" as well as "Serial Numbered Items", I also consulted my management department to be told that our current system uses neither of these two choices.

When I created TESTSKU in our SANDBOX environment, the ITEM TYPE is set to "Inventory Item" as advised. Therefore I responded to them that it is not a "Lot Numbered" nor a "Serialized item" and received no more emails back from them (in attempt to force another inactivity trigger to close the support case as it has been done me to prior support cases).

I have also performed several failed CSV imports where:

I recall that I was able to perform a Saved CSV Import for a different occasion helping someone else that involved Inventory Transfer and this produced an IT prefixed record.

At this point, this made me wonder: what Record Type do I select for a RECORD TYPE to produce a BT prefixed record?

Here is my initial mapping configuration:

Here is gist of my mapping configuration:

Irrelevant fields has been omitted here intentionally such as date and subsidiary fields.

The NetSuite mapping of Inventory Transfer: From Location has been set to the intended static single location. I have joined the above using the UI for those that did not automatically link through the Import Assistant.

The expected result of the CSV Import would be "All records imported successfully." The actual result of the CSV Import says "You cannot create an inventory detail for this item." exactly on the error column of a downloaded results.csv file

I admit that I am missing and struggling to obtain many important details and conditions as well as proper mappings and circumstances for our system to be able to perform a Bin Transfer using a Saved CSV Import.

Any help or support towards solving this would much well be appreciated and a huge benefit to those in my position too.

EDIT: I am willing to accept answers where the CSV Import Assistant will produce an "Item Transfer" or different type Transaction record since as of 27th June 2019 because there may not be an option in our account to produce "Bin Transfer" type Transaction records through CSV Import Assistant at all.


  • Another idea is to produce an Inventory Adjustment, where I would decrement the SOURCE bin and then increment the DESTINATION bin afterwards. I would have to make the location and designated account set as a STATIC value in the CSV Import Assistant mappings section.

    It is a simpler sounding idea, however it does produce an Inventory Adjustment transaction record instead.