
Get Azure Security Center alerts via python SDK

I want to list azure security center alerts using the python SDK.

I found this package:

It must be included in the microsoft documentation:

but I can not find any reference or example.

Does anyone know where I can find this information?

Best regards.


  • I can just give a rough reference.

    After install the package azure-mgmt-security, you should use List method in the package, source code is here.

    Here is the the doc on how to authentication. Here is doc on how to get tenantId / client_id / key.

    Here is my code:

    from import SecurityCenter
    from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
    subscription_id = "xxxx"
    # Tenant ID for your Azure subscription
    TENANT_ID = '<Your tenant ID>'
    # Your service principal App ID
    CLIENT = '<Your service principal ID>'
    # Your service principal password
    KEY = '<Your service principal password>'
    credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
        client_id = CLIENT,
        secret = KEY,
        tenant = TENANT_ID
    client = SecurityCenter(credentials=credentials,subscription_id=subscription_id,asc_location="centralus")

    Also, you can use List Alerts api with a http request in python.