It's possible to derive Storable
via GHC's generic deriving mechanism: (and for performance). The only library I can find for deriving Data.Vector.Unbox
, however, uses template Haskell: It also requires the user to write a little code; it's not entirely automatic.
My question is, could a library like deriving-storable
also exist for Unbox
, or is this not possible due to some fundamental way in which Unbox
differs from Storable
? If the latter, does that mean it's also not possible to create a library that allows automatically deriving Unbox
for any Storable
type, as I could not find such a library.
I ask because ideally I'd like to avoid template Haskell and the manual annotations necessary for using vector-th-unbox
Say we had some Generic_
class to convert between our own types and some uniform representation which happens to have an Unbox
instance (which amounts to both MVector
and Vector
instances for the Unboxed
class Generic_ a where
type Rep_ (a :: Type) :: Type
to_ :: a -> Rep_ a
from_ :: Rep_ a -> a
Then we can use that to obtain generic implementations of the methods of MVector
-- (auxiliary definitions of CMV and uncoercemv at the end of this block)
-- vector imports (see gist at the end for a compilable sample)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.Base (MVector(..))
-- MVector
gbasicLength :: forall a s. CMV s a => UM.MVector s a -> Int
gbasicLength = basicLength @UM.MVector @(Rep_ a) @s . coerce
gbasicUnsafeSlice :: forall a s. CMV s a => Int -> Int -> UM.MVector s a -> UM.MVector s a
gbasicUnsafeSlice i j = uncoercemv . basicUnsafeSlice @UM.MVector @(Rep_ a) @s i j . coerce
-- etc.
-- idem Vector
-- This constraints holds when the UM.MVector data instance of a is
-- representationally equivalent to the data instance of its generic
-- representation (Rep_ a).
type CMV s a = (Coercible (UM.MVector s a) (UM.MVector s (Rep_ a)), MVector UM.MVector (Rep_ a))
-- Sadly coerce doesn't seem to want to solve this correctly so we use
-- unsafeCoerce as a workaround.
uncoercemv :: CMV s a => UM.MVector s (Rep_ a) -> UM.MVector s a
uncoercemv = unsafeCoerce
Now if we have some generic type
data MyType = MyCons Int Bool ()
We can define a generic instance with its isomorphism to a tuple
instance Generic_ MyType where
type Rep_ MyType = (Int, Bool, ())
to_ (MyCons a b c) = (a, b, c)
from_ (a, b, c) = MyCons a b c
And from there, there is a totally generic recipe to get its Unbox
instance, if you have YourType
instead with its own Generic_
instance, you can take this and literally replace MyType
with YourType
newtype instance UM.MVector s MyType
= MVMyType { unMVMyType :: UM.MVector s (Rep_ MyType) }
instance MVector UM.MVector MyType where
basicLength = gbasicLength
basicUnsafeSlice = gbasicUnsafeSlice
-- etc.
-- idem (Vector U.Vector MyType)
-- MVector U.Vector & Vector UM.MVector = Unbox
instance Unbox MyType
In theory all this boilerplate could be automated with internal language features (as opposed to TemplateHaskell or CPP). But there are various issues that get in the way in the current state of things.
First, Generic_
is essentially Generic
from GHC.Generics
. However, the uniform representation that gets derived by GHC is not in terms of tuples (,)
but in terms of somewhat ad-hoc type constructors (:+:
, :*:
, M1
, etc.), which lack Unbox
instances could be added to use Generic
relying on tuples that could be a direct replacement to Generic_
here.And second, MVector
and Vector
have quite a few methods. To avoid having to list them all, one might expect to leverage DerivingVia
(or GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
), however they are not applicable because there are a couple of polymorphic monadic methods that prevent coercions (e.g., basicUnsafeNew
). For now, the easiest way I can think of to abstract this is a CPP macro. In fact the vector package uses that technique internally, and it might be reusable somehow. I believe properly addressing those issues requires a deep redesign of the Vector/MVector architecture.
Gist (not complete, but compilable):