I am trying to extend Swift's Numeric protocol with a method that divides one Numeric
type by another of the same type like this:
extension Numeric {
func percentage<T>(of: T) -> T where T.Type == Self.Type {
return self / of
But I get the error
Same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'T' and 'Self' equivalent
It works when it's not a protocol extension, but I'd love to know if it's possible to do it as an extension and what this error means.
This works:
func percentage<T: Numeric>(n1: T, n2: T) -> T {
return n1 / n2
let d = x(n1: 2.0, n2: 3.0)
There's no need for T
extension Numeric {
func percentage<Self>(of whole: Self) -> Self {
return self / whole