I'm using React.js and Babel, and importing png images of different sizes (some of them are more than 10kb of size). And when loaded to the docker-compose url, relative path is not working.
Here is my .babelrc file content
"presets": ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"],
"plugins": [
["babel-plugin-styled-components", {
"ssr": false,
So I want to load all the images as base64 aven those whose size are more than 10kb (limit). How to change the configuration for Babel?
Thank you in advance!
I found that it is possible to set more size in the configuration parameter of limit
for "url-loader"
. In my case I'm using babel and parcel together and I set .parcelrc
like this:
"url-loader": {
"exts": ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "svg"],
"limit": 66666