I need to download some files using the preset oss path, access key id, and access key secret. I downloaded the file for ubuntu from https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/61872.htm?spm=a2c63.p38356.b99.112.26f94e20idgreZ, however, I am unable to install the browser.
Can someone guide me on how to install the oss browser?
I found no guide on installation and launching the browser on ubuntu.
oss-browser doesn't come with a pre-built package. But manual installation is simple. Download oss-browser from the release page: https://github.com/aliyun/oss-browser/blob/master/all-releases.md Extract the Zip archive:
unzip oss-browser-linux-x64.zip
Move the folder to a location:
sudo mv oss-browser-linux-x64/ /opt/
Create a desktop file:
vim ~/.local/share/applications/oss-browser.desktop
With the following content:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=OSS Browser
Comment=Ossbrowser is a graphical management tool developed by Alibaba Cloud. It provides features similar to those of Windows Explorer. Using ossbrowser, you can view, upload, download, and manage objects with ease.