
How do I use included Android dependencies from within the NDK?

I am trying to use SQLCipher within Android. They made it very easy to integrate by adding the dependency:

implementation 'net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:4.2.0@aar'

They have nice and simple examples of then using this in Java, but my application is c++ and I am using the NDK. SQLCipher is primarily C code so I know that this is linking against some compiled C code. Are the headers available for use? Where are these dependencies being installed. I am an iOS developer new to Android so I feel like this should simple but I am just missing something.


  • There's currently no support for consuming C/C++ dependencies from an AAR. We're working on this here:

    But I should note that even when that is complete, sqlcipher does need to choose to expose that library. The AAR would not currently contain includes, and it may not be a stable API so they may choose not to expose it.