I am trying to use the rimble-ui ui-library, and one of the props that a button takes is called "as". This is unfortunately a reserved word in reason. So I don't know how to use this component in my reason-react app.
Here are the docs for the library.
This is my code:
[@bs.module "rimble-ui"] [@react.component]
external make:
(~as_: string, ~href: string, ~target: string, ~children: React.element) =>
React.element =
And my reference for importing to reason-react from js.
BuckleScript removes a prefixed underscore character from reserved words when compiling to JavaScript, so you can name the prop _as
and it will work:
module Test = {
[@bs.module "rimble-ui"] [@react.component]
external make:
(~_as: string, ~href: string, ~target: string, ~children: React.element) =>
React.element =
let test = <Test _as="" href="" target="">{React.string("")}</Test>;