I tried lots of things but didn't get what exactly I am looking for.
Below is the example of what type of array I am looking for in Shopify,
$array['bag'] = 2; $array['shoes'] = 3; $array['xyz'] = 6;
Here is the sample of what and how I am looking for my array variable in shopify.
bag, shoes, xyz
are product type
and 2,3,6
are number of products added for specific product type.
I know it's easy in PHP, but don't know how to do in Shopify liquid code.
As per Shopify documentation, you cannot initialize arrays. However, you can use split filter to create one dimensional array. You cannot create associative arrays using this. However, as a workaround, use 2 arrays of same length where same index in both arrays point to related key and value as of associated array. Example code
{% assign product_type = "type-1|type-2|type-3" | split: '|' %}
{% assign product_count = "1|2|3" | split: '|' %}
{% for p_type in product_type %}
{{ p_type }}
{{ product_count[forloop.index0] }}
{% endfor %}
Expected output
Product Type Count
type-1 1
type-2 2
type-3 3
For your particular scenario explained in comments, have a look at below code and code comments. I have used checkout object for sample code. You may adjust according to your need.
// declare 2 vars to create strings - that will be converted to arrays later
{% assign product_type = "" %}
{% assign product_count = "" %}
// iterate over line_items in checkout to build product_type string
{% for line_tem in checkout.line_items %}
// if product_type exists , then skip -- unique product types
{% if product_type contains line_tem.product.type%}
{% else %}
{% assign product_type = product_type | append: '#' | append: line_tem.product.type %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
// remove first extra hash and convert to array
{% assign product_type = product_type | remove_first: "#" | split: '#' %}
// iterate over unique product type array generated earlier
{% for product_type_item in product_type %}
// set product count for this product type to zero initially
{% assign total_count = 0 %}
// iterate over all lin items and +1 if same product type
{% for line_tem in checkout.line_items %}
{% if product_type_item == line_tem.product.type%}
{% assign total_count = total_count | plus: 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
// append count to product count string
{% assign product_count = product_count | append: '#' | append: total_count %}
{% endfor %}
// remove first extra hash and convert to array
{% assign product_count = product_count | remove_first: "#" | split: '#'%}