I'm attempting to write a unit test for an Oclif hook that contains a simple prompt. I want to test the output of the hook, given a 'Y' or 'N' response to the prompt.
import {Hook} from '@oclif/config'
import cli from 'cli-ux'
const hook: Hook<'init'> = async function () {
const answer = await cli.prompt("Y or N?")
if(answer === 'Y') {
else {
export default hook
I'm using the 'fancy-test' and '@oclif/test' test frameworks described here: https://oclif.io/docs/testing
I have tried stubbing the prompt and simulating stdin but neither are working - either the stubbed function is not available or the output is an empty string.
Here's an attempt at one test (doesn't work because 'cli.prompt is not a function'):
import {expect, test} from '@oclif/test'
import cli from 'cli-ux'
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
describe('it should test the "configure telemetry" hook', () => {
.stub(cli, 'prompt', sinon.stub().resolves('Y'))
.do(output => expect(output.stdout).to.contain('yes'))
It occurred to me that I'm probably not structuring my test properly. If anyone could point me in the right direction or provide some pseudo / sample code as to how to approach testing the above hook that would be amazing - thanks!
Have you tried with:
import {expect, test} from '@oclif/test'
import cli from 'cli-ux'
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
describe('it should test the "configure telemetry" hook', () => {
.stub(cli, 'prompt', () => async () => 'Y')
.do(output => expect(output.stdout).to.contain('yes'))
Stubbing with .stub(cli, 'prompt', () => async () => 'Y')
worked for me