
Guice -How to inject dependency inside the class which is extending Abstract module - Java

I have to trigger TestDriver.startPoller() from EnvironmentModule since EnvironmentModule is extending from Abstractmodule I am not sure how to inject dependency inside EnvironmentModule is it even possible ?. If not how do I trigger TestDriver.startPoller() from EnvironmentModule

@AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Inject))
public class TestDriver {

    private ClientTrafficCalculator clientTrafficCalculator;
    private TaskAllocator taskAllocator;

    public void startPoller() {

        new Thread(clientTrafficCalculator::prepareRateLimiterForAllClients).start();
        new Thread(taskAllocator::processPendingRecordsInDDB).start();"All threads are started");



Environment module

    @AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Inject))
    public class EnvironmentModule extends AbstractModule {
        private TestDriver testDriver;
        public EnvironmentModule(final String[] args) {
            marketplace = System.getProperty("realm", "USTest");
            final String realm = getPropOrDefault("realm", "USTest");
            final String root = getPropOrDefault("root", ".");
            AppConfig.initialize(SERVICE_NAME, null, appConfigArgs);


    public void configure() {
        install(new TomcatContainerModule(new ServiceModule(Test)));

Expected :

TestDriver.startPoller(); // this works fine

Current result

TestDriver.startPoller(); // thorwing null pointer exception because it is not getting injected and TestDriver is null


  • I guess I found an answer we can do something as below

    public class TestDriver extends AbstractModule {
        public void configure() {
        public void startPoller(ClientTrafficCalculator clientTrafficCalculator,
            TaskAllocator taskAllocator, PManager pManager) {
            new Thread(pManager::name).start();

    And we have to install that, installing will trigger that method

    install(new TestDriver()); //trigger pollers for proxy and task allocation

    Thanks Jk