I need to use Auth0 as authentication service in my node.js app. The problem is that i don't need their universal login. I have my own and want to use it. I need user to enter his credentials in my form, do a request to node.js app, this node.js app makes a request to auth0 and if credentials are correct, get Authorization token and use it in our system. In another words, i want to use auth0`s API only.
I tried to use /authorize endpoint, but it redirects me to universall login page.
Also i tried /dbconnections/signup and alvays got "Missing required property: connection", but this property was provided. And when i POST /oauth/token request i get "Cannot GET /oauth/token"
I tried to use auth0 npm package also, but as i found it doesn't allow to send a credentials and get auth token.
var AuthenticationClient = require('auth0').AuthenticationClient;
var auth0 = new AuthenticationClient({
domain: '{YOUR_ACCOUNT}.auth0.com',
I expect to use auth0 only as api on my server.
It sounds like you are looking for the resource owner password grant.