Is it specified that element.innerHTML = '<script>alert()</script>';
does execute the inserted script, or does behaviour vary between browsers? Can I rely on innerHTML
not executing scripts?
In HTML5 the behavior is specified to not execute inserted <script>
elements, however as this page from Mozilla notes, there are still ways to get around this to execute JavaScript, so you can't rely on this for security.
HTML5 Spec:
script elements inserted using innerHTML do not execute when they are inserted.
there is still a security risk whenever you use innerHTML to set strings over which you have no control. For example:
const name = "<img src='x' onerror='alert(1)'>"; el.innerHTML = name; // shows the alert
For that reason, it is recommended that instead of innerHTML you use:
- Element.SetHTML() to sanitize the text before it is inserted into the DOM.
- Node.textContent when inserting plain text, as this inserts it as raw text rather than parsing it as HTML.