
AIR HTML Control Issue (it's not opening links that have attribute target = "_blank")

I've developed Adobe AIR application, which opens cpanel of websites in HTML control. I realized that HTML control open links which opens in same window, however it don't opens the links that opens in new window i.e links which has attribute (target="_blank) like this:

<a href"" target="_blank"> Opens in new window </a>

I've searched the web, although I've got one solution here AIR HTML with “_blank” Links but it opens that links in browsers and its too much old (September 2008). So, anyone know another simple way to open link?


  • I rewrited example you found to change anchor target, now links are opened in same window. But this method has limitations - only static links are fixed, any JS methods trying to open link in new window will fail.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
        private function init():void
            html.htmlText =
                "<html><body>" +
                "<a href='' target='_blank'>Adobe (blank)</a><br/>" +
                "<a href='' target='_self'>iXBT (self)</a>" +
            html.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onHTMLComplete);
        private function onHTMLComplete(event:Event):void
            var document:Object = html.domWindow.document;
            for each (var anchor:Object in document.getElementsByTagName("a"))
                if (anchor.hasOwnProperty("target"))
                    if ( == "_blank")
               = "_self";
        <mx:HTML id="html" width="100%" height="100%"/>