
Drupal Acquia Stack - Have moved files to different folder, how to update site?

Im using the Acquia stack instead of MAMP or WAMP but im using it to run a normal Drupal installation.

I imported a site fine. Ive then moved the sites's files to a different folder, and now I cant figure out how to change the site's settings.

In the stack interface, if I go to my site and click settings > Sites > Edit Then I can see the Site Path that it points to the old folder, but I cant change these settings.

Do I need to create a new site and import it again? Thanks


  • I was looking for this answer, and digged out into acquia install folder. Here is what I did to change Site Path at acquia desktop interface.

    Don't forget to make a backup just in case.

    There are 4 files to attend to:

    1. Open and edit static.ini and dynamic.ini under your AcquiaDevDesktopControlPanel at Program Files/acquia-drupal install folder. Maybe different on Mac.
    2. Edit siteDir at static.ini
    3. Edit selImportedSiteCodebase and codebaseDir at dynamic.ini
    4. Edit httpd.conf at apache folder to use your new document root. There are 3 or 4 locations to change there
    5. Edit vhosts.conf to reflect your new locations

    You have to run the notepad as administrator.

    Its seems that changing only #4 + #5 don't hurt my sites, these can be done via acquia interface. But changing #2 + #3 makes you feel comfortable :)

    Hope that helps