I have a project with 2.1.4.RELEASE with spring boot data.
The project has the following relation entities:
Its a locale relation tables in database (ManyToMany), with extra table for located text in different languages extra column in this table (ApplicationTranslateEntity).
public class ApplicationEntity {
private Long id;
private String urlImage;
private String urlStoreiOS;
private String urlStoreAndroid;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "application")
Set<ApplicationTranslationEntity> applicationTranslationEntities;
public class ApplicationTranslationEntity {
ApplicationTranslationKey id;
@JoinColumn(name = "application_id")
ApplicationEntity application;
@JoinColumn(name = "language_id")
LanguageEntity language;
@Column(length = 100)
private String name;
@Column(length = 1000)
private String description;
public interface ApplicationProjection {
Long getId();
String getName();
String getDescription();
String getUrlImage();
String getUrlStoreiOS();
String getUrlStoreAndroid();
Repository with Query:
@Query("select a.id as id, a.urlImage as urlImage, at.name as name, at.description as description from ApplicationEntity a left join a.applicationTranslationEntities at on at.language.key = :language")
Page<ApplicationProjection> findAllByLanguage(Pageable pageable, Language language);
Rest Controller Application:
Page<ApplicationDto> all(Pageable pageable, @RequestHeader(value= headerAcceptEncoding, required = false) Language language){
return applicationService.findAll(pageable,language);
All work fine with pagination and sort with id. But when I try to sort by name which is on ApplicationTranslationEntities, I saw that hibernate try to make sort in ApplicationEntity not in ApplicationTranslateEntity. Why did this happen?
The error is:
org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: name of: ******entity.ApplicationEntity [select a.id as id, a.urlImage as urlImage, a.urlStoreiOS as urlStoreiOS, a.urlStoreAndroid as urlStoreAndroid, at.name as name, at.description as description from ******.entity.ApplicationEntity a left join a.applicationTranslationEntities at on at.language.key = :language order by a.id asc, a.name asc]; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: name of: ******.entity.ApplicationEntity [select a.id as id, a.urlImage as urlImage, a.urlStoreiOS as urlStoreiOS, a.urlStoreAndroid as urlStoreAndroid, at.name as name, at.description as description from *******.entity.ApplicationEntity a left join a.applicationTranslationEntities at on at.language.key = :language order by a.id asc, a.name asc]
You are using pagination property of name
while it should be (idk which one is the proper one) either applicationTranslationEntities.name
(property path) or a.name
(as per join path).