
C++ boost::bimap insert() method not working

I am trying to insert data in boost::bimap but gives an error.

typedef boost::bimap<std::string, std::string> bimap_type;
bimap_type _obs_ids;

void store_domains_obs_ids(const std::string & name, const std::string & obs_id) const
    _obs_ids.insert(bimap_type::value_type(name, obs_id));


no instance of overloaded function "boost:thimaps::bimap<KeyTypeA, KeyTypeB, AP1, AP2, AP3>::insert [with KeyTypeA= std::string, KeyTypelhstd::string, AP1=boost::mpl::na, AP2= boost::mpl::na, AP3= boost:mph:na]" matches the argument list and object (the object has type qualifiers that prevent a match) argument types are: (boostthimapsuelation::mutant_relation<boostthimaps::tags::tagged<const std::string, boost:thimapsuelation::member_athleft>, boost::bimaps::tags::tagged<const std::string, boostthimapsuelation::member_athright>, boost::mpl::na, false>) object type is: const ipm::config::bimap_type


  • You have to remove const from member function signature:

    void store_domains_obs_ids(const std::string & name, const 
    std::string & obs_id) const

    should be

    void store_domains_obs_ids(const std::string & name, const 
    std::string & obs_id) 

    inside const member function, _obs_ids is treated as const object, for const objectes you can call only const function members. Because insert modifies bimap instance, you can call this function only from non-const function.