Following the complete example here:, I am implementing a table with sorting, searching, and pagination. I am using Angular 7 and the latest version of ng-bootstrap.
The example uses a static array of objects:
// 1. sort
let countries = sort(COUNTRIES, sortColumn, sortDirection);
I am trying to figure out a way to pass an array from a subscription of an observable that is returned from an HTTP GET request to this same spot.
The issue is that the HTTP GET takes about a second to retrieve from an API. This causes the subscribe to return an empty array and the sorting, searching, and pagination not to be applied.
How can I have the object service wait for the data to return and the array to be populated before the sorting starts?
I have an API service. Let's call the object type groups. My group service is calling a method in the API service called getgroups(). I have tried: - subscribing to a public behavior subject in the API service.
subscribing to the return behavior subject object of getgroups() in the API service.
I have tried delaying the sort in the group service in an attempt to wait for the GET request to finish. This appeared to have no affect.
I have tried placing the code from the group constructor:
tap(() => this._loading$.next(true)),
switchMap(() => this._search()),
tap(() => this._loading$.next(false))
).subscribe(result => {
in the HTTP GET request AFTER the data is assigned:
(resultGroups: Group[]) => {;
HERE -->
(err: any) => {
() => {
I have added extended logging which shows the order in which things are called.
I want the API service to begin and finish, and then the group service updates and returns the sorted and paginated data to the component controller.
I found the root cause that was creating these issues. I was populating an Observable with the data from the HTTP request. I used the same observable as the result of the sorting/searching/pagination. These need to be in separate variables in order to work properly.