I do not fully understand the query results listed for the below:
AccountName varchar(20), CompanyID int, CompanyName varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #tmpAccountsTable (ID, AccountID, AccountName, CompanyID, CompanyName)
SELECT 1 AS ID, 1 AS AccountID, 'ABC Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName UNION
SELECT 2 AS ID, 1 AS AccountID, 'ABC Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName UNION
SELECT 3 AS ID, 2 AS AccountID, 'DEF Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName UNION
SELECT 4 AS ID, 3 AS AccountID, 'GHI Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName UNION
SELECT 5 AS ID, 4 AS AccountID, 'JKL Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName UNION
SELECT 6 AS ID, 1 AS AccountID, 'ABC Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName UNION
SELECT 7 AS ID, 1 AS AccountID, 'ABC Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName UNION
SELECT 8 AS ID, 1 AS AccountID, 'ABC Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName UNION
SELECT 9 AS ID, 2 AS AccountID, 'DEF Account' AS AccountName, 1 AS CompanyID, 'Stark Enterprise' AS CompanyName
SELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY AccountID ORDER BY CompanyName) as AccountRANK, * FROM #tmpAccountsTable
DROP TABLE #tmpAccountsTable
Executing the above, I get the following result set:
From my understanding of the SELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY AccountID ORDER BY CompanyName) as AccountRANK, * FROM #tmpAccountsTable
, a partition should have been created for all AccountId's that are the same, and they should have received the same DENSE_RANK()
value, but as can be seen, this is not the case.
What am I missing?
If you want a separate value for each AccountId
, then that should be part of the ORDER BY
SELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY AccountID, CompanyName) as AccountRANK, *
FROM #tmpAccountsTable;
is used to reset the counter, so each AccountId
starts over with 1. Then the CompanyNames
are ordered. Because they all have the same value, the result is 1