i am currently trying to make a shift key holder with java using the grave accent as the toggle and robot was the only way i could find that was remotely simple. the program does what the name implies, and holds down the shift key for me. making the program for starbound building if you are wondering where this will be useful, as there is capslock. however when using robot i have to throw a few exceptions, but they then appear in the place that i am calling my void
i can't find any solution for this possibly because i am using the JNativeHook library to create a keylogger that will react to the grave symbol. i am still fairly new and i pieced a lot of this together from snippets online.
this is where my error is coming from, the full program is available here i would post a minimum reproducible example but i cannot as i don't know what parts are crucial to the function of this one part.
//tried to put throws in nativeKeyPressed to get rid of the exceptions but then that gives me an exception saying i can't do that because it causes clashing
public void nativeKeyPressed(NativeKeyEvent e){
System.out.println("Key Pressed: " + NativeKeyEvent.getKeyText(e.getKeyCode()));
if (e.getKeyCode() == NativeKeyEvent.VC_BACKQUOTE) {
toggle(); //get IOException, AWTException, and InterruptedException whenever i put throws on my toggle() void
//throw exceptions so robot has no conflicts
public static void toggle() throws IOException, AWTException, InterruptedException{
bool = !bool;
Robot r = new Robot();
if (bool = true) {
} else if (bool = false) {
i expect it to have no errors but Robot()
has exceptions if i dont throw them, and toggle();
has whatever exceptions i throw from public static void toggle()
. i am open to methods other than robot, but i cant find any others.
Unless you are expecting any of these exceptions and know how to handle them, just wrap your exceptions
public static void rethrowException (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
//throw exceptions so robot has no conflicts
public static void toggle() {
try {
bool = !bool;
Robot r = new Robot();
if (bool = true) {
} else if (bool = false) {
} catch (IOException|AWTException|InterruptedException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);