
Bypass router using server to initiate connection

I would like to create simple chat program in Java, which could work on p2p basis. Using public server to only initiate connection. But I am not even sure this is possible.

I succesfully implemented chat solution in Java that work if at-least one PC has forwarded the right ports. I also managed to use external server instead od having to have forwarded ports on client side.

So I though, would be even possible, to somehow use public server to initiate connection, and than send data just right between clients, taking load off the server?

I am not very familiar with how routers work, but I expect when you call public server from internal IP, router remembers that call and incoming response from that public IP than sends to your PC. So I thought, maybe if first client connected to the server, server than passed information to the second client, maybe than they could somehow communicate directly? If the rule in router was established by the server?

I hope I explained it clearly. If not please excuse me. I don´t even know how exactly this could be done, I just want to know if there is something right on my concept, and I have to study harder with chance of getting it operational. Thanks.


  • It's a vast subject, search for hole punching (for TCP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCP_hole_punching)