How can I customize the route so that the original message appears in dlq? Now if my server is unavailable, messages appear in dlq after processing, for example: the message with body “origin_message” is in the my_test queue, after processing in myProcess I change it to “new_message”, and if the server is unavailable or answered with codes 400+ 500+ , in my queue my_dlq there is a message with the body "new_message"
<bean id="myDeadLetterErrorHandler" class="org.apache.camel.builder.DeadLetterChannelBuilder">
<property name="deadLetterUri" value="activemq://my_dlq"/>
<bean id="myProcess" class="mapper.MyProcess" />
<camelContext xmlns="">
<route errorHandlerRef="myDeadLetterErrorHandler">
<from uri="activemq://my_test"/>
<process ref="myProcess" />
<to uri="http://localhost:3000"/>
You can configure the useOriginalMessage=true
on the error handler.