By default, Brave is blocking all 3rd party cookies, which is fine, however, I want to work on a local project which uses LocalStorage but I get the following error.
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.
I don't want to turn 3rd party cookie blocking off, which does circumvent the problem, but I'd rather just whitelist local file access (doesn't allow whitelisting file://
Is it even possible to get this working without turning off the global "block all 3rd party cookies" setting?
There is 2 ways you can achieve this. Probably also depends how you run your project. I use VS Code and when I run my projects in Brave I got that error. My files were just in a dev directory not in the wwwroot directory.
First option (recommended in my opinion)
Second option (not recommended, as you also stated you don't want to do this)
Hope this helps