
Square payments: How to protect 'cards on file' from a data breach

I'm in the early stages of integrating Square payments. It makes sense in my application to allow users to save their card details, as we expect multiple small transactions. Square calls this feature 'cards on file'.

As part of this process you create a customer and a related card in Square's system; IDs for these will be held in my system and associated with my users; that way when they come to pay again they can select the option of using a card on file. The API to actually charge the card simply takes these two IDs and an amount.

What worries me is that my database is holding all the data necessary to charge a customer's card; I could write a script which just charges all of my customers an amount of money - naturally a hacker with access to my data could do the same thing.

I wasn't expecting to have this level of risk in my system - my assumption was that Square would have isolated me from this (via some sort of user challenge for missing data - e.g. the CCV number). It seems the safe option is to not use the 'card on file' feature and have the user re-enter every time.

Is this right, or have I completely misunderstood something here?


  • I did miss something - as any charge made on a customer's saved card is credited to my account (as configured in the Square portal), the only beneficiary of any fraudulent charge would be be me. A hacker could not get access to funds and therefore the risk is limited in scope.

    Obviously if I was a fraudulent company there would be a risk to users - it seems the EU isn't happy with this and changes coming this year will require additional information to be captured from the user at the point of sale.

    Strong Customer Authentication