I am using the WeasyPrint library to print page numbers at the bottom of a PDF. The syntax is as follows within the @page element in HTML:
@bottom-center {
counter-increment: page;
content: "Page " counter(page) " of " counter(pages);
margin: 10px 10px 25px 10px;
Previously this worked and would print "Page 1 of 1" for 1-page documents. Recently it's printing "Page 2 of 1" without changing any code.
For documents that are actually two pages long, I get "Page 2 of 2", and then "Page 3 of 2".
I am using version 44 of WeasyPrint.
Why is it printing the wrong page number here?
The line with
counter-increment: page;
Was not supposed to be there. Opened an issue on the WeasyPrint GitHub page and was told not to modify the page variable unless we want it to be different.