I struggled with naming this question - open to changing it.
I'm fairly new to typescript, and I'm trying to consume an API in a generic, typesafe, and very extensible way.
Taking inspiration from RESTyped, I've defined a generic "API definition" interface:
interface ApiBase {
[route: string]: ApiRoute
interface ApiRoute {
query: { [key: string]: string }
body: any
response: any
interface ApiSpec {
[route: string]: {
[method: string]: ApiRoute
and this can be used to define the types for multiple API endpoints, like so:
interface MyApi extends ApiSpec {
"/login": {
"POST": {
body: {
username: string,
password: string
response: {
token: string
"/user": {
"GET": {
query: {
"username": string
response: {
"email": string,
"name": string
I suspect that it's possible for a generic class to consume these types, and provide type-safe methods for them. Something like:
const api = ApiService<MyApi>();
api.post("/login", {
// This body is typesafe - won't compile if it doesn't match the spec
username: "johnny99",
password: "hunter2"
Where the post()
method won't compile if the object doesn't match the body
defined in the MyApi
Unfortunately, I'm pretty lost for where to go from here. Something like this:
class ApiService<T> {
post(route: string, body: T[route].body): T[route].response {
// todo
Which obviously doesn't compile. How can I access the subtype in the MyApi
interface? T[route].body
is definitely wrong. How do I do this?
EDIT ------------------------------------------
I did some reading, and I think I'm getting somewhere!
This works on the typescript playground:
class ApiService<API extends ApiSpec> {
async post<Path extends Extract<keyof API, string>>(
route: Path,
data: API[Path]["POST"]["body"]
): Promise<API[Path]["response"]> {
const resp = await fetch(route, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
return await resp.json();
And works perfectly when calling a route that exists:
const api = new ApiService<MyApi>();
// Will give an error if the wrong "body" is passed in!
api.post("/login", {
username: "johnny99",
password: "rte"
but it also works when calling a route that doesn't exist, which is not what I want to happen.
// Should error, but doesn't!
api.post("/bad", {
whatever: ""
I'm also a bit worried about my post()
implementation – what happens when the object given by resp.json()
is different to what's defined in the type definition? Will it throw a runtime error – should I always call it in try/catch
guards, or can I somehow make the Promise fail instead?
Before I get to the answer, I tried to reproduce your situation in the Playground and noticed I needed to change the type of ApiRoute
interface ApiRoute {
query?: { [key: string]: string }; // optional
body?: any; // optional
response: any;
to avoid errors. If that wasn't an error for you, it's because you're not using --strictNullChecks
, which you really should. I will assume we're doing strict null checking from now on.
I think your problem here is that your ApiSpec
interface says that it has ApiRoute
properties for every possible key and every posible subkey:
declare const myApi: MyApi;
myApi.mumbo.jumbo; // ApiRoute
myApi.bad.POST.body; // any
That code isn't an error. So, when you call
api.post("/bad", {
whatever: ""
you are essentially just looking up the body
property of some myApi.bad.POST
, which is not an error.
So how do we fix this? I think it might make more sense to express the type of ApiSpec
as a generic constraint on possible MyApi
-like types instead of a concrete type with a pair of nested index signatures:
type EnsureAPIMeetsSpec<A extends object> = {
[P in keyof A]: { [M in keyof A[P]]: ApiRoute }
That's a mapped type which turns an A
like {foo: {bar: number, baz: string}}
into {foo: {bar: ApiRoute, baz: ApiRoute}}
. So if you have an A extends EnsureAPIMeetsSpec<A>
, then you know A
meets your intended specifications (more or less... I think you might think of making sure each property of A
is itself an object
And you don't need to say MyApi extends ApiSpec
. You can just leave it like
interface MyApi { /* ... */ }
and if it's bad it won't be accepted by ApiService
. Or, if you want to know right away, you could do it like this:
interface MyApi extends EnsureAPIMeetsSpec<MyApi> { /* ... */ }
Now to define ApiService
. Before we get there, let's make some type helpers we'll use shortly. First, PathsForMethod<A, M>
takes an api type A
and a method name M
, and returns the list of string-valued paths that support that method:
type PathsForMethod<A extends EnsureAPIMeetsSpec<A>, M extends keyof any> = {
[P in keyof A]: M extends keyof A[P] ? (P extends string ? P : never) : never
}[keyof A];
And then Lookup<T, K>
type Lookup<T, K> = K extends keyof T ? T[K] : never;
is basically T[K]
except if the compiler can't verify that K
is a key of T
, it returns never
instead of giving a compiler error. This will be useful because the compiler isn't smart enough to realize that A[PathsForMethod<A, "POST">]
has a "POST"
key, even though that's how PathsForMethod
was defined. It's a bit of a wrinkle we have to overcome.
Okay, here's the class:
class ApiService<A extends EnsureAPIMeetsSpec<A>> {
async post<P extends PathsForMethod<A, "POST">>(
route: P,
data: Lookup<A[P], "POST">["body"]
): Promise<Lookup<A[P], "POST">["response"]> {
const resp = await fetch(route, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(data)
return await resp.json();
Going over that... we constrain A
to EnsureAPIMeetsSpec<A>
. We then constrain the route
parameter to be only those paths in PathsForMethod<A, "POST">
. This will automatically exclude the "/bad"
you tried in your code. Finally we can't just do A[P]["POST"]
without compiler error, so we do Lookup<A[P], "POST">
instead, and it works fine:
const api = new ApiService<MyApi>(); // accepted
const loginResponse = api.post("/login", {
username: "johnny99",
password: "rte"
// const loginResponse: Promise<{ token: string; }>
api.post("/bad", { // error!
whatever: ""
}); // "/bad" doesn't work
That's the way I'd proceed to start with. After that you might want to narrow down your definition of ApiSpec
and ApiRoute
. For example, perhaps you want two types of ApiRoute
, some of which require body
and others prohibit it. And you can likely represent your http methods as some union of string literals like "POST" | "GET" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | ...
and narrow down ApiSpec
so that "POST"
methods require body
while "GET"
methods prohibit it, etc. This would possibly make it easier for the compiler to ensure that you only call post()
on the right paths and that the body
of such posts will be required and defined instead of possibly undefined.
Anyway, hope that helps; good luck!