I am implementing a ContractNetInitiator from Jade in scala and I need to override this method:
protected void handleAllResponses(java.util.Vector responses,java.util.Vector acceptances)
And implemented it like this:
override def handleAllResponses(responses: Vector[_], acceptances: Vector[_]): Unit = {
var acceptProposal: ACLMessage = null
var bestProposal = Integer.MAX_VALUE
var bestProposer = ""
// Find best proposal and reject all proposal
val e = responses.elements()
while (e.hasMoreElements) {
val response: ACLMessage = e.nextElement().asInstanceOf[ACLMessage]
if (response.getPerformative == ACLMessage.PROPOSE) {
val reply = response.createReply()
acceptances.addElement(reply) // Can't add the reply : "Type mismatch, expected: _$1, actual: ACLMessage"
if (response.getUserDefinedParameter("Value").toInt < bestProposal) {
bestProposal = response.getUserDefinedParameter("Value").toInt
bestProposer = response.getSender.getLocalName
acceptProposal = reply
// Accept proposal
if (acceptProposal != null) {
But when I try to add a reply to acceptances I get a Type mismatch
I tried to change "acceptances: Vector[_]" with "acceptances: Vector[ACLMessage]" and "acceptances: Vector[Any]", but it doesn't work since it doesn't correspond with the super class.
Is there a way to add elements to acceptances ?
You'll need to cast it:
Normally it's something to avoid, but in this case it's entirely the library's fault for using raw types and only documenting effective type parameters.