In the Diem (Libra) CLI:
libra% query txn_acc_seq 9f49240376634fdb3277adb91ed075ccfeff8d26d71a28d49958d51711a1e01d 0 true
>> Getting committed transaction by account and sequence number
Transaction not available
I get a similar input also with different sequence numbers (1,2,3,...)
I would expect this command to show the transactions associated to this address, why is this not happening?
Additional info: Just to confirm that the account did transactions in the past:
libra% query balance 9f49240376634fdb3277adb91ed075ccfeff8d26d71a28d49958d51711a1e01d
Balance is: 416.000000
txn_acc_seq | ts
— Get the committed transaction by account and sequence number.
So it's only gonna work for transactions that you've sent.
If you wanna get received transactions you should use events
like this
query event 9f49240376634fdb3277adb91ed075ccfeff8d26d71a28d49958d51711a1e01d received 0 true 100
You can't get a mint transaction from CLI
Mint is not a transaction if you don't have a faucet account, if you check /client/src/
you can see that mint is just a GET request to the faucet server
if you have a faucet account
Some(_) => self.mint_coins_with_local_faucet_account
if you don't have a faucet account
None => self.mint_coins_with_faucet_service
And the server make a mint request
You can find the source code for it in libra/docker/mint/
"a m {} {}".format(address, amount / (10 ** 6)))
which will use self.mint_coins_with_local_faucet_account
in the client
And mint itself mint_to_address in libra_account.mvir
doesn't emit any events