I need to know if a table has more than 50 rows fitting some criteria. So, the raw query should look like this:
SELECT COUNT(id) FROM (SELECT id FROM table WHERE {conditions} LIMIT 50)
but I'm having trouble doing this through eloquent. This is what I've tried so far....
card::where( ... )->limit(50)->count("id");
... but this doesn't work. It doesn't make the subquery for the limit, so the limit becomes useless.
Without running a subquery that is limited, the query takes up to 10 times longer..... I'm afraid it won't be as scalable as I need.
I did eventually come up with a solution to this, I just didn't post it (until now). You can just grab the ID of the 50th record to see if it exists:
$atLeastFifty = Card::offset(50)->value("id");
// there are at least 50 records
// there are less than 50 records
This is way faster than a count()
when there are tons of records in the table.