I want to include a text input as part of the query in dbGetquery(). It shows the results in normal R script, but shows an error in renderTable().
suppressWarnings(library(ROracle, quietly = TRUE))
Column {data-width=350}
textInput(inputId = 'Col', label = 'COL', value = "")
actionButton('submit', 'Submit', icon = icon('refresh'))
Column {data-width=650}
session <- observeEvent(input$submit, {
etf_con<- dbConnect(drv, username = load.schema.username, password = load.schema.password, dbname = load.schema.database)
t <- dbGetQuery(etf_con, paste0("select * from table_name where col = '", input$Col, "'"))
The error in the second column is:
cannot coerce class '"function"' to a data.frame
I have also tried removing the observeEvent
and only having renderTable
. Like this:
etf_con<- dbConnect(drv, username = load.schema.username, password = load.schema.password, dbname = load.schema.database)
dbGetQuery(etf_con, paste0("select * from table_name where col = '", input$Col, "'"))
When I hit 'Run Document', the column names show in the right column. After I put the text input, there is an error:
non-numeric argument to binary operator
It looks like I needed a placeholder for the reactive value, so I simply added v <- reactiveValues(t = NULL)
and use t
as one of the element in the list v
. Here is the link http://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/action-buttons.html. I used Pattern 3.
suppressWarnings(library(ROracle, quietly = TRUE))
Column {data-width=350}
textInput(inputId = 'Col', label = 'COL', value = "")
actionButton('submit', 'Submit', icon = icon('refresh'))
Column {data-width=650}
v <- reactiveValues(t = NULL)
observeEvent(input$submit, {
etf_con<- dbConnect(drv, username = load.schema.username, password = load.schema.password, dbname = load.schema.database)
v$t <- dbGetQuery(etf_con, paste0("select * from table_name where col = '", input$Col, "'"))