
Adaptive Server connection failed TinyTDS::error when connecting ruby on SQL Server 2008 R2

I'm trying to connect my Rails app (rails version 4.2.5 and ruby 2.2.2) in Ubuntu(wsl) with my SQL SERVER 2008 R2 database.

i have tried to connect it with

tsql -H -p 1433 -U myuser@mydb -P mypassword -D 

but i getting this error message

Error 20017 (severity 9):
        Unexpected EOF from the server
Error 20002 (severity 9):
        Adaptive Server connection failed
There was a problem connecting to the server


  • My problem was solved

    I'm using FreeTDS ver. 1.0.21, testing it with tsql on a console and it worked

    The problem is when i used tiny_tds gem on Ruby it always give same error message like before, then i know my tds version must be set to auto and everything is going well.