
Styling the Busy indicator in QML 2.0

I am using Busy indicator to show intermediate progress and i want to change the color of the circles. I referred Customizing Busy indicator link but this is changing the default animation and other things. Also, It is difficult to understand because there is no explanation for the same.

I just want to change the color and the animations should be the same as default. please suggest.


  • Since the BusyIndicator actually just uses the palette.dark color, you can easily change it using the following code:

    BusyIndicator {
        palette.dark: "red"

    Note that if you use the Material theme, you have to set the Material.accent color Material.accent: "red". And perhaps similar changes apply to other themes.

    Fun fact: I found this by looking at the QML files in the Qt folder, for me: Qt/5.12.3/gcc_64/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2