System release: CoreOS 2135.5.0
Kernel: 4.19.50-coreos-r1
System install way: vmware
When I change the port in the sshd.service
,it displays:
CoreOS-234 ssh # echo "Port 10000" >> /usr/share/ssh/sshd_config ;systemctl mask sshd.socket;systemctl enable sshd.service;systemctl restart sshd.service
-bash: /usr/share/ssh/sshd_config: Read-only file system
In coreos /usr is designed to be a read-only file system, Remounting /usr is theoretically feasible, but is not officially recommended
I use the following command to solve this problem
sudo sed -i '$a\Port=60022' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \
sudo systemctl mask sshd.socket && \
sudo systemctl enable sshd.service && \
sudo systemctl start sshd.service