Using troposhphere, I am trying to create CloudFront distribution.
CacheBehaviors = [
TargetOriginId = Join("", ["cloudfront-", Ref("ParamOriginName")]),
PathPattern = '/en/Login/*',
AllowedMethods = ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "POST","PATCH"],
ForwardedValues = ForwardedValues(
QueryString = True,
Headers = ["user-agent",
MaxTTL = 86400,
MinTTL = 14400,
DefaultTTL = 43200,
ViewerProtocolPolicy = "redirect-to-https",
Compress = True,
This seems to build the json template fine. But I also need to forward cookies. After the line QueryString
I inserted Cookies = "All"
but this failed the build.
The error message:
TypeError: <class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ForwardedValues'>: None.Cookies is <class 'str'>, expected <class 'troposphere.cloudfront.Cookies'>
What do I need to add so that it does not fail the build and forwards cookies
I worked it out after reading this document
After the line QueryString = True,
I added
Cookies = Cookies(Forward = "all"),
and it now builds without errors and adds the correct cookies value to the json template