are java final methods and c++ nonvirtual methods different or the same? How?
You can still declare non-virtual member functions with the same signature in inheriting classes in C++, where-as Java explicitly forbids declaring methods with the same signature in which the base class declares that method final. Virtuality in C++ just helps find the correct function to call when dealing with inheritance/polymorphism.
#include <iostream>
class Base
void doIt()
std::cout << "from Base.doIt()" << std::endl;
class Child : public Base
void doIt()
std::cout << "from Child.doIt()" << std::endl;
int main()
Base a;
a.doIt(); // calls Base.doIt()
Child b;
b.doIt(); // calls Child.doIt()
Base *c = new Base();
c->doIt(); // calls Base.doIt()
Child *d = new Child();
d->doIt(); // calls Child.doIt()
Base *e = new Child();
e->doIt(); // calls Base.doIt()
return 0;
The comparable example in Java using final will result in a compiler error:
public class Base
public final void doIt()
System.out.println("In Base.doIt()");
public class Child extends Base
public void doIt() // compiler error: Cannot overload the final method from Base
System.out.println("In Child.doIt()");
For more explanation on Polymorphism in C++, see Polymorphism
Effictively, though, both methods have similar goals: to prevent overriding of a function in the base class. They just go about it in slightly different ways.