
Create a DIV and give it a data-cart-info attribute. Inside the DIV, create a HEADING with mdc-typography--headline4" as its CSS class

Create a DIV and give it a data-cart-info attribute. Inside the DIV, create a HEADING with mdc-typography--headline4" as its CSS class.

My Solution:

<div data-cart-info="mdc-typography--headline4">

Please is my solution correct?

    <div data-cart-info="mdc-typography--headline4"><h1>Heading</h1></div>
      const supportedCards = {
        visa : 'visa', mastercard : 'mastercard'

I am building a PayCard(Credit Card Validator)


  • this is my code

    <div data-cart-info>
        <header class="mdc-typography--headline4"></header>